Pressed For Time

I have been working in the unique medium of pressed flower & leaf art for over 20 years. I grow & press my natural materials and combine them into framed one of a kind landscape scenes I call Flor-A-Scapes. The goal with each piece is to recreate natural scenes that we see around us in Northern California, Oregon, and beyond. I learned long ago that leaves and flowers mimic various parts of the natural world, for instance: Pear leaves become mountains, Varigated Ivy is now Mt. Shasta or Lassen, Queen Annes Lace leaves are birds in flight, and Hydrangea flowers mimic water or clouds. I love to identify the plants used in my scenes and hand write them on the back. I also enjoy creating framed simple leaf and flower arrangements.
As part of my work, I speak at various groups such as garden clubs and art associations of course depending on my schedule. You can see my scenes at art & craft shows around Northern California, Southern Oregon and occasionally galleries. I am proud to be a member of a group of great artists and friends we call Professional Artisans Co-op.
With a passion for creating and sharing my work I say "form my garden to your home" Enjoy!
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